dense smoke

美 [dens smoʊk]英 [dens sməʊk]
  • 浓密的烟
dense smokedense smoke
  1. There was dense smoke pouring from all four engines


  2. Dense smoke swirled and billowed , its rank fumes choking her


  3. Factory chimneys belch out dense smoke .


  4. The dense smoke cut visibility to inches .


  5. The dense smoke made his eyes water .


  6. The paper presents a method on real time generation of dynamic dense smoke based on aerodynamics and the particle system theory .


  7. The factory chimneys puff dense smoke into the air .


  8. The chimney is puffing dense smoke into the air .


  9. On the horizon , a huge cloud of dense smoke from the burning oil well stretched across the sky .


  10. Dense smoke coming out of No.4 engine cowling ( engine nacelle ), fire suspected .


  11. The factory chimneys puffed dense smoke .


  12. The dense smoke was rising over the enemy 's front line where something was burning , exploding and flying through the air .


  13. The study found a37 percent increase in emergency room visits for people with symptoms of heart failure during a three day period of dense smoke exposure and the following five days .


  14. ( Agence France-Presse , Ulaanbaatar ) - Due to huge forest fires , dense smoke is covering Ulaanbaatar , state capital of Mongolia .


  15. Compared with the traditional particle system and the stochastic turbulence model , it can generate realistic visual effect of dynamic dense smoke , which both accurately simulates the smoke 's behavior and reduces the computing complexity .


  16. The results indicated that the dense smoke release ( RSR , TSR and SEA ) was much higher in flaming than in after_glowing . Research of Real-Time Rendering and Modeling of Dynamic Dense Smoke


  17. All the trees were somber as dense smoke , but among them you could make out the luxuriant willows , while faintly above the tree-tops loomed distant hills-their general outline only .


  18. All the trees were somber as dense smoke , but among them you could make out the luxuriant willows , while faintly above the tree-tops loomed distant hills & their general outline only .


  19. If he throws the switch , the resulting fires could send forth a vast cloud of dense black smoke that would foul the air and darken skies as far east as Afghanistan and northern India .


  20. A dense column of smoke rose several miles into the air .


  21. Dense palls of smoke hung over the site .


  22. From the upstairs windows of this house there issued a dense cloud of black smoke .
